Monday, 22 July 2013

22nd July 2013

I have made a start at accurately modelling the buildings within the Fort. My plan is to start with the buildings that I intend to model externally only and get these done in a short amount of time, leaving a bit more time for the buildings of interest.

The first model that I have concentrated on is known as the 'B' block and is one of the more recently refurbished buildings within the fort.

I have not yet applied any materials to the model but I have more accurately modelled the facade which already makes the buildings appear to have more depth and interest than the previous sketch models that I had experimented with (as seen in previous post). 

One issue that appears to be arising at the moment is the unusual shadowing that seems to be cast under the over hang of the roof. It should be an evenly distributed shadow however, it appears to be broken and unnatural. This will need to be sorted.

This morning I also applied some texture maps to the sketch model that I had been working on. They all seemed to enhance the appearance of the texture and make the model appear more realistic. However, the displacement map caused the mesh to become distorted when this map was applied.

Tomorrow I plan on working on the acoustic information that was gathered from the visit to Spike and to get some more of the buildings modelled.

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